Kalimat Header: Thanks to see Mio Akiyama Diary Kalimat Penghias: Dont Forget to See again, http://atsui-nenchii-kaouru.blogspot.com/ background (Semuanya) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__N4J7S1MGhA/SZpctSgJiFI/AAAAAAAAAZI/PErox662wOQ/s400/Spring-Scene.gif (aku take one itu ya kak! Maap lupa komen!) Doodle (Aku udah kasih komentar Take all ya Kak): Ini deh -> http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2013/024/9/2/mio_akiyama__by_doodle_dream-d5sku8t.jpg Lebar : 865
[Ordinary girl with extraorninary idea]
Hello, there! My name is Anugerah Mullia Ulfa Salsabella.
You can call me Salsa. Born at 6th June 2000.
Lives in Bekasi, West Java. Proud to be part of swifties and directioners.
Take One !
ReplyDeleteTake Alll!
ReplyDeleteKak, Header:
ReplyDeleteKalimat Header: Thanks to see Mio Akiyama Diary
Kalimat Penghias: Dont Forget to See again, http://atsui-nenchii-kaouru.blogspot.com/
background (Semuanya) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__N4J7S1MGhA/SZpctSgJiFI/AAAAAAAAAZI/PErox662wOQ/s400/Spring-Scene.gif (aku take one itu ya kak! Maap lupa komen!)
Doodle (Aku udah kasih komentar Take all ya Kak): Ini deh -> http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2013/024/9/2/mio_akiyama__by_doodle_dream-d5sku8t.jpg
Lebar : 865
i want the little pony please!
ReplyDeleteKak, aku ambil satu ya kak
ReplyDeleteMau! Ambil ya, kak!